If you have activated online payments, your Statements will provide an overview of all the payments received during the month, the fees deducted, and the final amount transferred to your account. The Statements are a summary of your transactions over the course of the month, allowing you to track your earnings and fees easily.
To access your statements, log in to your Reservio account and go to Sales - Statements. This will display a list of monthly statements, each summarizing the payments received, fees applied, and final transfers for the month.
To download an invoice for any statement:
Locate the desired statement in the list.
Click on the three dots in the row for that statement.
From the dropdown menu, select Download invoice.
The invoice will be downloaded in PDF format, ready to be used for your accounting or tax records.
Each statement contains:
The total amount received from customers during the month.
The fees deducted for payment processing (based on your pricing).
The final amount transferred to your account after the fees.
It is important to note that statements will be generated on a monthly basis. Your statements will only be available once per month, summarizing all transactions and fees for the entire month, and they will be accessible on the 1st of each month.
If you need help with other topics related to online payments, check out these guides: