To guarantee smooth and secure payment transactions, it’s essential to provide accurate business registration details. This ensures proper verification and seamless processing of your payments.
Accepted Documentation
You can submit one of the following as proof of your business registration:
An official excerpt from the trade register or chamber of commerce.
Articles of incorporation or similar foundational business documents.
Key Requirements
The business registration document must meet the following criteria:
It must have been issued within the past 12 months.
It must be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the company and confirm that the information is up-to-date.
Bank statement needs to be issued within the past 6 months.
Country-Specific Requirements
European Union
Austria - Unternehmensregister Österreich
Belgium - Belgisch Staatsblad
Bulgaria - Търговски регистъ
Croatia - Poslovni imenik
Cyprus - Μητρώο Εταιρειών
Czech Republic - Obchodní rejstřík
Denmark - Erhvervsstyrelsen
Estonia - Äriregister
Finland - PRH - Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä
France - Registre du commerce et des sociétés
Germany - Handelsregister
Greece - ΓΕΜΗ
Hungary - Cégjegyzék
Ireland - Companies Registration Office
Italy - Registro delle imprese
Latvia - Uzņēmumu reģistrs
Liechtenstein - Unternehmensregister Liechtenstein
Lithuania - Įmonių registras
Luxembourg - Registre de commerce et des sociétés
Malta - Malta Business Register
Netherlands - Kamer van Koophandel
Portugal - Registo Comercial
Romania - Registrul Comerțului
Slovakia - Obchodný register
Slovenia - AJPES
Spain - Registro Mercantil
Sweden - Bolagsverket
United Kingdom
The company name on the registration document must match exactly with the name shown on the bank statement. You can verify and copy the correct name from the Companies House registry.
Isle of Man
Accepted proof of ID
Globally Accepted Proof of Identity
The following documents can be used as proof of identity:
Passport: Must include a signature, a clear photo, personal details, and a visible machine-readable zone.
ID Card: Both the front and back are required and must be saved as separate files.
Driver’s License: Both the front and back are required and must be saved as separate files.
Country-Specific Proof of Identity
Additional acceptable documents in specific countries include:
United Kingdom: CitizenCard, UK proof of age card, or Residence card.
EU Countries and Singapore: Government-issued ID card (both front and back required).
Photo ID Requirements
To be accepted, the photo ID must meet these criteria:
Ownership: It must be issued in the name of the bank account holder linked to Reservio or any shareholder owning 25% or more of the company’s shares or voting rights.
Validity: The document must be valid and not expired.
Format: Only physical photo ID documents are accepted; digital versions are not allowed.
File separation: For ID cards or driver’s licenses, submit separate files for the front and back.
Image quality: Provide a full-color, cropped, and straightened photo of the physical ID.
Unacceptable formats: We do not accept screenshots, images pasted into other documents, photos of screens, or photos of printouts.
File Format and Size Requirements
Accepted file types: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (limited to one file).
File size for PDFs: At least 1 KB and no larger than 4 MB.
File size for other formats: At least 100 KB and no larger than 4 MB.
Unacceptable Document Formats
The following types of documents will not be accepted:
Photographic issues: Screenshots of photos, images pasted onto other documents, pictures of screens, or photos of printed materials.
Non-physical forms: Digital versions of driving licenses or ID cards.
Scanned copies: Any scanned document is not valid.
Condition of the document: Expired, damaged, dirty, illegible, or watermarked documents are unacceptable.
Image quality problems: Blurry, overexposed, black-and-white, or uncropped images with a visible background.
Formatting issues: Overcropped or cut-off images, files containing multiple sides or documents, or documents photographed at an angle, rotated, or upside down.
Invalid types of documents: Travel documents other than passports, ID cards, or driving licenses.