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How to set up text message (SMS) and email notifications for clients
How to set up text message (SMS) and email notifications for clients
Updated over a week ago

For plans: Free (email only), Starter, Standard, Pro

Works on: desktop browser

Send SMS and email messages to customers about the status of their bookings and stay in touch with them. These reminders do not affect notifications sent to you as a booking calendar administrator in any way (you can read about editing this type of notification here).

Settings for messages for clients you can find in the Settings Automation Messages.

The system allows sending the following types of reminders to your clients:

  • Booking is awaiting confirmation — Clients will only receive this message if you manually approve all new bookings in your account. The purpose of this message is to inform the client that the booking has been saved to the system and is currently awaiting your confirmation.

  • Booking confirmed — If you have automatic booking confirmation enabled in your account, clients will receive this message after successfully creating their booking. This message is also sent to the client if you manually confirm the booking, or create it in the calendar by yourself.

  • Booking declined — This type of message is also related to the manual confirmation of bookings. In case you reject a new (i.e., not yet confirmed booking), the client will receive such a message.

  • Booking canceled — If for any reason you need to cancel the agreed and confirmed booking, the system informs the client through this message. This notification is sent to the client also when the booking is canceled directly by them.

  • Booking rescheduled — The system also offers the option to adjust only the date of a specific booking. If this happens, the client receives this message, along with the new date of the appointment.

  • Booking reminder — This type of message will ensure that the client is reminded of a specific booking on time. In the booking settings, you can specify how far in advance you want to send such notifications to clients. Thanks to this, you can prevent the client from forgetting the agreed date.

Additionally, it's important to note that the system currently does not support sending reminders indicating a considerable time lapse since the client's last visit.

Permission to send and edit messages

After clicking on any of these categories, an editing window will open. It is divided into two parts. At the top, you can enable the sending of email messages, and below that, there are the settings for SMS messages. Even if not all of your clients use email, you can send them messages via SMS by enabling this option.

Do you want to customize the text of the message and inform clients, for example, about what they should take with them or how far in advance they should arrive? Activate the Standard or Pro premium plan and set up custom content of messages.

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