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How to cancel my booking
Updated over 7 months ago

Does the appointment no longer suit you, or have your plans changed? There is nothing easier than canceling the booking. You can do this in two ways:

1. After making a booking, you will receive a confirmation email. At the bottom of this notification, you will find a link with the text “cancel”, which you can use to cancel the booking.

2. By logging into your client account through the Booking Website of the business that uses Reservio. You can find the management of bookings and their overview after logging in by clicking on your name. If you want to cancel your booking, click on the three dots on the right side of the booking and select Cancel booking. You can find a more detailed overview of upcoming and past bookings under the option Show all bookings.

The booking can no longer be canceled

The cancellation link in the confirmation email no longer works? Can't you see the option to cancel the booking in your client account? In these cases, it is likely that this business no longer allows the cancellation of bookings in such a timely manner. Individual businesses can set their own conditions for canceling bookings. So it is up to each of them whether they allow their clients to cancel bookings and at what time in advance.

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