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Calendar & Booking Management
Is there a possibility to cancel multiple bookings at once?
Is there a possibility to cancel multiple bookings at once?
Updated over a week ago

Unfortunately no, currently, our system doesn't support bulk cancellation of reservations. However, you can easily remove them one by one manually.

Cancellation of bookings

In the individual appointments calendar, you can delete a booking by clicking on it in the Calendar section:

You can delete a reservation in the group events calendar by choosing the corresponding event:

At the end of the reservation use the cross sign:

How to cancel bookings in the Reservio Business app

In the individual appointments calendar, you can cancel an appointment by clicking on the trash can icon next to the tick.

If you want to delete a booking in the group events calendar, click on the reservation in the specific event.

There use the trash can icon next to the tick and confirm by clicking on the Cancel booking button.

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